Sunday, January 5, 2014

Being Intentional not Just Busy

There is something in our society today about being busy. At times, it almost appears to be part of a status symbol. That if you and your children are involved in every activity, invited to every party, and don't have time to sit down for a family dinner, you have made it. You have achieved the pinnacle of suburban life. That you must have a calendar packed full during the week and a social event planned for every weekend in order to "keep up".

But, how often do we analyze the intentionality of the activities we spend the majority of our time doing? Are we involved in opportunities that have an eternal impact on our lives and those of others, or are we involved in things that simply make us happy and our life fun? Do we approach the decision of how we spend our time with the attitude of "I deserve because I have worked hard, saved money, etc" or with the attitude of "I am undeserving of His graciousness to me, therefore I…"? And most importantly, what are we teaching our children by raising them to be the busy people we are?

God must really have a desire to show me something in this area of my life because not one but two individuals spoke the following verse to me today:
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

I will be the first to admit that in the past I have not numbered my days. I have found myself so caught up in the life of surviving toddlerhood (and lately toddlerhood, pregnancy, and divorce), that I have ignored my responsibility to live with intentionality. There were countless opportunities when I should have made a phone call to check on a friend, prepared a warm meal for a hurting/needy family, or served others in some capacity - however, I didn't. And in that, I missed the chance to impact the lives of others and show my children what it means to live intentionally. But, once again God is good! He is a forgiving God who continues to present divine opportunities for me to live intentionally. And, He will be faithful to complete the work He has started in me!

Take a minute to digest these lyrics from the song "Take Heart" by Hillsong United. Oh, how they fill me with hope when Satan attacks my mind with his constant guilt trips!

"All our heartache and all our pain
God, our healer, He has overcome
All our burdens and all our shame
God, our freedom, He has overcome
All our troubles and all our tears
God, our hope, He has overcome
All our failures and all our fear
God, our love, He has overcome"

He has overcome all my shame and failures - He did that on the cross!! So, today, and tomorrow, and the days to come, I do not have to live in shame for my failure to be intentional, but I can follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and live intentionally. I can find all my hope in the person and work of Jesus Christ. 

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    I wanted to email you but didn't see a contact on here so just thought I would post a comment! I can tell by your post it is a hard season in your life, and even though I don't know what is going on, I wanted you to know I am praying/thinking about you. You probably have no idea the impact you made on me 9 years ago now, but I have never forgotten. I'll never forget after a particular experience at a swap the kindness you showed to me. Jesus is definitely shining through you. Keep your head up and best of luck.
